holding your music

You'll probably use one hand to operate your valves, and then some combination of other hand, shoulders, and/or straps to support your instrument.

Are you going to have a hand free to hold the music?  For some sousaphone players the answer is yes, but for tuba players, the answer is often no.

Unless a friend is doing music-holding duties, you might want to consider a lyre.

Here's a brief lyre checklist to help you make sure that you're covered:
  • Do you have a lyre?
    If not, you might consider buying a "baritone lyre" from a music store, or else try making your own from rods, clothespins, etc.
  • Does your horn have a lyre holder attached to it?
  • Does your lyre holder have a set screw?
  • Does your lyre position the music where you can read it?
  • Can your lyre support the weight of a marching band flip-folder (e.g., a DEG/Cross HC-200)?
    (about the same weight as a thin paperback book)
  • And if you're borrowing a horn, do you know its lyre/lyre-holder situation?

As always, other ideas and suggestions are most welcome!


a lyre
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